Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Titanic

Could you imagine that day the Titanic went down.How sad it must have been.How many people died.How little made it out alive but had to live with the fact that,one boat....one boat went back to find almost none still alive.The other boats never went back.It makes me sad to see how The Titanic looks today.How sickening it must have been to see that water come unto the boat.To hear that,when it hit that ice burg,something was just not right.And there weren't enough life boats.That detail could gave saved hundreds.There weren't any binoculars for the men to see what was in front of them.That detail could have saved the Ship from going down as it did.And someone,before it set off said"Not even God could sink this ship"That could have saved them all.But it was their pride,thinking they had all the money they needed and nothing could happen.But in the end,a man spoke the truth saying,"Your money can not save you anymore than it can me."But when they started playing that last song most of them would ever hear,its the worst thing to know most were probably not saved,and most suffered an icy grave.Its a sad truth,but there it is.


  1. Whoa, that was deep! Did you write that?

  2. Yes,I did.I know how it goes.Know what it looked like.seen how sad it might have been.Not that bad but,*sob*i gotta go....
